Antara Kesibukan dan Produktiviti

It’s been a while.

Bulan Oktober bulan yang agak fully occupied. Freelance work berjalan seperti biasa with some design works, web updates and also few simple post-production video editing. Yeah, i enjoy that very much. In terms of time management, so far i can experience the flexibility now cuma I need to stay focus to make sure I’m productive. In other words, NO work means NO money. Itu fakta.

Sibuk itu bukan bermakna kita produktif.

Few weeks ago, my church had a conference (http://outspread.bwccministry.org) and since i’m handling the creative media department, my team and I kena buat few preparations : publicity, web, recording, shooting and post production stuff for the event.

Kecik atau besar production, hanya satu jak yang aku selalu diperingatkan – “just give the best. Always”. Dari benda kecik la kita akan dipertanggungjawab dengan benda yang lagi besar, ye tak?

I’m thankful and blessed to be surrounded by teman-teman yang luar biasa yang aku belajar banyak hal. Semakin banyak yang kita tahu, semakin banyak pula yang perlu kita belajar. Semakin kita rasa kita tahu, semakin kita rasa ada kekurangan.

So that?s all for updates this time. Till next post, will write more bout something else that i love to do.

Thanks for reading!


Orang Bidayuh. Love Coding, Love Design, Love Bass, Love Music, Love God, Love People. Arsenal, Portugal & Ngap Sayot Fan.

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