Life is Good

Oh wow. I’ve been renewing this domain name andysaedah.com every year (dah la MYR rendah berbanding USD nowadays), but i only manage to post 1 entry every 2 years. Ha Ha.  Yalah, not because I have nothing interesting to tell everyday, its actually A LOT to share tapi sometimes I prefer to stay low profile, cheh! 🙂

Ada jugak orang kata, why perlu blogging? Instagram & Facebook kan ada? Hey, it’s different. Blogging feeling lain sikit. Kena rajin taip macam personal diary. Instagram & Facebook just for me to post benda-benda ringkas saja, itupun bukan selalu. Ha, hidup ini bukan semua untuk di-share. Tapi ada jugak share whatever they want in social media. It depends. You choose. Saya no problem. But sebenarnya, I prefer to tweet if mahu sesi luah perasaan. Ya, meh? Macam betul.

Kerja memang tidak pandai abis. Learning process juga tidak pernah ada penghujung sampai kita berhenti bernafas. Apapun, I hope that I can spend more time writing sambil minum coffee panas, reading and do what I love the most. Ada masa I feel that life is not about being rich, famous, being perfect (nobody is perfect) or being super-hebat. It’s about being able to share ourselves & touch the lives of others.

So readers, stay awesome. Till we meet again in my next post (i have faith that i will write more often after this, LOL). Post pendek pun okay, bah.  Janji ada.

Thanks for reading.


Orang Bidayuh. Love Coding, Love Design, Love Bass, Love Music, Love God, Love People. Arsenal, Portugal & Ngap Sayot Fan.

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